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5 Steps To Overcome Self Doubt

Have you ever felt paralyzed by self doubt and fear? If so, you’re going to want to keep reading. Today, I am sharing 5 steps to overcoming self doubt.

We first need to have self awareness around where we are struggling with self doubt, here are some questions to prompt that: 

Ask yourself,

  1. Am I letting fear + self doubt run the show?
  2. Where am I operating out of scarcity instead of love and abundance?
  3. If I truly believed I was capable of anything, what would I do?
  4. Do I want to play small or do I want to play big?
  5. Do I want to let fear win here or do I want to stand up and choose courage?

Let’s dive into the 5 tips:

  1. Verbalize the fear and express the self doubt + the fear to a trusted friend

Fear is like mold, it grows in the dark places of our mind. When we bring it into the light we are able to see the truth.

Cultivate friendships that are rich with vulnerability + trust because we know that vulnerability breeds vulnerability leading it to be THE strongest human connector.

  1. Stop worrying about other people’s opinions

I know, this one is easier said than done but I’ve learned that people are far more concerned with themselves than you. I’ve shifted to caring about what I think of me! At the end of the day, are you happy with your choices, your attitude, your behaviors? The mantra I use when I start to let others’ opinions hold me back is, “What other people think of me is none of my damn business”.

I’ve also shifted my mindset to knowing that failure is a mark on my journey to success. It teaches me lessons, it’s a part of success, it’s an opportunity. Shifting to this has allowed me to release anxiety, perfectionism and comparison.

  1. Uplevel your circle 

Who are the 5 people that you’re spending most of your time with? Who are the 5 people that you’re taking advice from?

Over the last few years I’ve gotten extremely selective about who I give my energy to. I want to spend time with people who are going to challenge me, celebrate my wins and support me.. And I want to do the same for them! If you’re spending your time with energy draining individuals, make space for life giving relationships and know that it’s ok for relationships to shift, evolve + dissolve.

  1. Befriend fear

Fear is a part of accomplishing big things, it will always be there if you are challenging yourself. Recognize that fear is just energy and let this energy drive you forward.

5. Stop asking HOW and start asking WHO knows HOW

Are you getting stuck in the weeds of “I don’t know how”? Start asking yourself, “Who knows HOW”? The beauty of life is that we don’t have to be the experts in everything.. Save that for the experts. Hire a coach, mentor, trainer. Sign up for classes. Put yourself in positions to learn + grow from individuals who have done what you want to do!

These are my tips to overcoming self doubt! Next time you feel the fear creeping in, remind yourself of these and break through what is holding you back!

We help women rewire their brain so they stop feeling crazy around food and start feeling confident.

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Rise with Me was founded in 2017. Our desire is to help purpose-driven women struggling with food + body image challenges find freedom.

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We exist to equip women with the tools, connection, + healing needed to overcome food & body image struggles so they can live in complete freedom.

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