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This is the podcast to listen to if you want to RISE to your Mountain Top.

I spent 10 years stuck in the diet binge cycle hating my body + envying women who seemed to have it all because I never felt enough. And what I discovered in my journey to food freedom, radical self love + becoming an eating psychology coach is this:

You can either live your life at war with your mind or learn to work in sync with it

And, that’s what this podcast is all about. We get real, we get raw, and we hold NOTHING back.


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 If you’re ready to learn how to work in sync with your mind and evolve your life, welcome. You’re in the right place.

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Why is it so uncomfortable, hard, and just so fucking awkward to make friends as an adult? We have vehicles, we can go places, we don’t have a curfew, we have a home we can invite people over to…why does it feel so uncomfortable? And be real with me, have you ever Googled how to […]

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My hope for you today is that you feel energized, inspired, moved, and motivated to pursue freedom from food, body image challenges, and insecurities. I’m going to share with you some reasons that recovery is worth it. And as I share these with you, my hope is that your brain will go into imagination and […]

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If you’re having a bad body image day, these are some reminders that you need to hear: You will not hate yourself into loving yourself and your fear of gaining weight isn’t keeping you thin. I used to think that beating myself up, judging myself, and shaming myself was the way to motivate myself into […]

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Did you know that a study of 10,000 adults showed that more than 3 out of 5 adults in the United States are lonely? That’s huge! We are the most connected we’ve ever been yet lonelier than ever before. Some of my first experiences with extreme loneliness started when I was in college. I was […]

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I have been on a journey of embracing the courage to be disliked for my own mental health, to create more spaciousness, and to support my overall sense of well-being. It can be really scary to think that embracing the courage to be disliked leads to overall greater mental health and overall increased feelings of […]

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Today I want to continue our conversation about the nervous system (If you haven’t checked out the first part of this convo, you can do so here!) by further demystifying it and talking about 6 steps you can take to start regulating your nervous system to support overcoming emotional overeating. To start, we must first […]

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500+ five star reviews



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This is my podcast for my commute to nursing school. Jessi challenges my thought processes, validates me, and gives me support in some way in each and every podcast.

- meggeth

It’s the best way to ensure I start my day off on a positive note- with lots of love in my heart for others, and MYSELF.

 This isn’t the “genre” of podcast that I usually go for, but Jessi is smart, well-spoken, and full of good advice. I will be subscribing and will probably be a better person because of it!

- eeeeem

As someone who has listened to podcasts for over 6 years, I am pretty selective about which ones I choose to invest my time into.

This podcast has helped me so much in my journey towards finding peace with food and my body. I still have a long way to go, but every episode is just delightful and Jessi (and guests) has such a wonderful, warm, real spirit.

- kelleastham

Life Altering

Her podcast (and MasterClass) is not only for self-improvement, but you also have the opportunity to learn the science and research behind what she advocates. It’s amazing how through just a podcast, you can feel supported and challenged to think about things we push down inside, and challenged to live your life to its fullest potential by taking care of you and your mental health first.

- Mariel DC

Jessi is not only compassionate, empathetic, and wise, she backs every concept she presents with the research.

There are so many “YES! That’s me!” moments throughout her podcast that I feel as if she’s talking directly to me so much so that I’ve made more progress than in years of therapy, OA or trying to will myself away from disordered eating. Highly recommend.

- Motown618

If you struggle with food or body image in any capacity at all, Jessi’s lessons, approach and personality will resonate with you.

Jessi has assisted me MAJORLY in my ongoing effort to ditch binging and make changes that are sustainable for life. Also, her voice is soooo soothing. 😀

- kay1amartinez

An amazing, different approach to face battle and beat binge eating cycles once and for all.

This podcast has forced me to face my issues with food head in and start to understand that my issues with my body don’t look the same as others. I no longer think “what’s wrong with me” I instead realize that it looks different for everyone and I can overcome it.

- memiller7693

Jessi, thank you SO much for sharing your heart and always being authentic. I love this podcast!

We help women rewire their brain so they can stop feeling crazy with food + start feeling confident in their relationship with food + their body.

who we are


Rise with Me was founded in 2017. Our desire is to help purpose-driven women struggling with food + body image challenges find freedom.

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food freedom online program

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We exist to equip women with the tools, connection, + healing needed to overcome food & body image struggles so they can live in complete freedom.

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